About Us

Duntai Foundation International is a fully registered NGO (CAC/IT/NO 105318) with the aim of helping people in need, most especially the orphans, children and adults with special needs, abandoned children, widows and widowers, people who have been neglected and segregated in the society. Therefore we try our best to put smiles on their faces and live for them.

Our Mission

Our core objectives is to look out and care for The widows and widowers by empowering them financially and caring for them by provision of material needs.

Our Mission cont..

The abandoned children and the orphans through provision of materials and financial supports for them and also periodic visitation of orphanage homes. The youths by engaging them through entrepreneurial skills developments and trainings such as carpentry, tailoring etc. Thereby empowering them.

Our Vision

To create a world where the young and old have access to good participation, survival and development.

We love to help children from peculiar backgrounds in the world. After 15 years we have achieved a lot of goals in relation to this.

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Our Programs

Visitation to orphanage homes

Beyond providing financial support to orphanages, we also visit them and spend time with the children. This makes them feel relaxed and happy.

Monthly meeting with widows and widowers

Beyond financial support, we have monthly meetings with widows and widowers where we celebrate them and provide emotion support. This way they don’t feel neglected.

Economic Empowerment

We empower youths and widows by supporting existing businesses financially. We also provide financial support to set up businesses.

Provision of clothing materials

We provide clothing materials to orphans and the vulnerable in the society so as to ensure they are well clothed and safe from abuse.

Provision of shelter

We provide accommodation to people living on the streets.

Provision of Foodstuffs

We provide foodstuff supports to widows so as to alleviate the hardship they face catering for their families

Children Helped



Dedicate Team

Our Partners