Duntai Youth Empowerment Center

Duntai Shuttle Bus

Duntai Play Ground Center For Abandoned and Motherless Children

Duntai Office Complex

Duntai Food and Clothing bank Center for Widows and Widowers

Duntai Home for Orphans and Abandoned Children

Duntai Youth Empowerment Centre

The youth empowerment centre is a multiclass room building where the youths would be trained on skill acquisition and entrepreneurial developments under the tutelage of experts in several skills e.g. Tailoring, Make-up, Carpentry and many more. This centre would serve as a technical school for the youths where they would be taught all they need to become good at their desired or chosen skill which gives the ultimate goal of making them self-dependent and responsible to themselves, their Widow (Mother) or their Widower (Father) as well as the society at large. Priority is will be given to Children of these widows as a way of alleviating their situations and helping their children that could have been helped by their breadwinner, but death took them away. Our policy is “Train one…..One Train All” (if we train one person on a particular skill, the person will subsequently train others to acquire same skill”.

The centre will be equipped with tools and equipment such as sewing machines, barbing equipment, shoe making equipment and every necessary equipment for desired skills. Apart from the skill to be acquired the centre would also serve as a place where the sense of responsibility, morals are imbibed in the youths, this is because some of them have at one point or the other loos hope about making it in life which would have made them gone astray. Presently, we have acquired landed property for this purpose, but we need help, financial support and encouragements to actualise this dream and impact the lives of these widow through their children. We need your financial help please!!!

Duntai Shuttle Bus

Duntai Foundation International shuttle bus is a transportation scheme we are soliciting your help and assistance to acquire for the purpose of transporting the widows and orphans for events and activities programmes sponsored, funded and organised at State and Local government level for the widows, widowers, orphans and abandoned children. Over the years we have found it very difficult to navigate our widows and abandoned children to these events due to lack of this shuttle bus and the cost implications to be incurred. If you can assist us this will consequently eliminate the stress and the cost incurred on transporting them for these various events. These programmes are so important to them as it aimed at encouraging, putting smiles on their faces and elongating their lives. Such programmes include health awareness, social interaction and educational programmes for kids just to mention few.

Duntai Playground Centre for Abandoned and Motherless Children

Most of the abandoned children are not privileged to enjoy fun fair and have much nice time due to the circumstances surrounding their lives. Our experience with them revealed how they feel left out due to their circumstances, the playground however, will be designed to consist of various recreational equipments that would be used to make the children feel loved, happy and catch fun from time to time. Activities of this nature will consequently improve their psyche, smartness and makes them feel very comfortable in the society. We really need your donations to bring the dreams of these children into reality, even little donations will go a very long way in helping Duntai Foundation International to provide the desired fun fair centre for orphaned and abandoned children

Duntai Office Complex

Every organisation needs a place to operate, making it accessible to members of the public who want to visit and see for themselves what we have been doing with the support they are giving to us. Therefore, proposed Duntai Foundation International office complex will be a multi-purpose building where all official paper works of the foundation will be carried out, creating employment opportunities for people to work at the office. We have actually secured the landed property for this purpose but need your financial support to carry on with the construction. Your little help, support and encouragement will go a very long way.

Duntai Food & Clothing Bank Centre for Widows and Widowers

The Proposed Food and Clothing bank is a storehouse where food items, materials and clothes including toys for abandoned children are to be stored and kept for use in the present and future for people in dire need of the items. This will enable Duntai Foundation International to attend immediately to the feeding and clothing needs of the helpless widows and widowers. We go around to collect unused or abandoned clothing items from different homes across the world, we cargo them to Nigeria, dry cleaned them and arrange them for distribution to the Widows. We sometimes have difficulties in storing them which ends up damaging some of the clothes. Due to lack of storage facility we cannot reach out to as much widows and widowers that are in need. We strongly need your support, please help us.

Duntai Home for Orphans & Abandoned Children

As part of our commitment to helping the orphans and abandoned children, it is part of our goal to build a home for them within the comfort of our complex where children from other Orphanage homes can come for a short break holiday, taking them away from the houses they are used to where they occupy daily, creating exposure and ability to interact with other orphans from different part of the state. This will serve as a get-away weekend for them, introducing them to new things and making friends with others. Also, many times the condition of where these children are staying in some orphanage homes are below standard, it is our aim to assist these orphanage homes to face-lift their homes and environment while the orphans and abandoned children temporarily stays in our building while workmen are doing their jobs. This will prevent the Orphans from being exposed to risk that will endanger their health. Duntai Foundation International desire to have an orphanage home for Orphans and abandoned children where they can be kept safe, catered for, educated and their potentials harnessed to become a great person in life. We need your help and financial assistance to achieve this goal.