Visitation of orphanage homes

An orphan is a child who has lost both father and mother or lost either of the parents, abandoned by the parents or the parents are unknown(UNICEF).
According to researches there are nearly 140 million orphans in 2015 globally of which 52 million are in Africans.
These orphans loose their parents through sicknesses, natural disaster and war while some are abandoned leading to most of them living homelessly on the streets exposing them to the vices of the society. These orphans are in need of

  • family affection
  • care
  • nutrition
  • shelter
  • education
  • health care

Orphans are taken care of through orphanage homes where their basic needs are provided. As part of the core values and mission of the foundation, the less privileged and abandoned children's homes are visited and they are supported with materials e.g clothings, toys, stationeries, and all other things for them to be comfortable in life. With this, DUNTAI Foundation International is making sure these children are not denied the necessities of life, to grow, achieve their dreams and also being great and successful people in whatever career or profession they choose.

Monthly meeting with widows and widowers

Loosing one's partner either at an early age or old age by a man(widower) or a woman(widow) is not a thing of joy or a scenario to be proud of in the world especially in Africa. This could be demeaning and cause a huge setback for the widow and children left behind by the deceased. This bereavement coupled with widowhood is generally a difficult phase of life added with emotional and psychological stress which takes time to heal or might never heal. This situation is further worsened by the inability of the of the family members and society to assist the widow and her children during this difficult moments. Often times these widows are too old and weak to work while the younger widows have no financial backing to get established with business to support themselves and their family leading to hardship and impending poverty.There is a growing evidence in many parts of sub-saharan Africa with Nigeria inclusive that most widows are in abject poverty and penury, Yvonne and Browning(2002) , Nwosu(2007).
A reaerch conducted on widows in Nigeria sampling the opinions of 42 widows working at the university college hospital and college of medicine in Oyo state in the southwestern part of Nigeria, the problems identified by these widows are
With these the hardship faced by the widows would be alleviated through the quota donated by the foundation This meeting is designed so as to maintain a close relationship with the widows and widowers under the foundation's umbrella. With this, the needs such as housing, business empowerment, feeding, medicals and other challenges of the widows are heard and solutions given.

At DUNTAI Foundation International, one of our core objectives is to assist the widows through

Economic Empowerment for Young Widows

Our Young Widows Economic Empowerment Developmental Scheme is designed to assist Young Widows and Widowers who are financially disadvantaged after the death of their bread-winners but still possess the ability and tenacity to get involve in business activities to survive thereby engaging them in economic activity that benefits both the concerned individual, their children and the society at large through the provision of financial assistance to start up a small scale business. Our scheme has been very productive and the feedback has been very encouraging. Like some of the widows will say “Teach us how to fish……don’t feed us with fish at all time”. This shows their readiness to be financially independent and be able to sustain themselves with minimal support from Duntai Foundation International through a close monitoring process on how they can grow their businesses and prevent them from going back to the same miserable position at which they were initially.
Through this empowerment scheme, financial assistance are given to the widows to start businesses(artisanship), equipments such as sewing machines, grinding machines are purchased and used to empower this widows and with this, they are able to provide for their basic needs.

Provision of basic materials

Duntai Foundation International runs a scheme where basic needs such as Clothing materials, toys, notebooks, shoes, bags and many more are collected from individuals who have more than enough to support the deprived and less privileged, the materials are cleaned up and packaged in a well presentable state ready to be distributed to the widows as well as orphans and abandoned children residing at various orphanage homes we visited. This has really helped Duntai Foundation International to cover the nakedness of these widows and widowers as well as impacting the lives of the abandoned children for a better tomorrow

Provision of shelter for widows who can’t afford rent

Most Widows are evicted after the death of their bread-winner once they can’t afford to meet up with rent payment. Consequently, some of them ends up living under a kiosk and all forms of inhumane structures alongside their children which exposes them to the danger of attacks from thieves, some of them are beaten up by Area boys (Touts) who forcefully obtain money from them, beat them when they don’t corporate and rape their daughters, leaving them with nothing. Likewise, when its raining season, they are subjected to diverse sickness and sorrow and depression. Duntai Foundation International therefore, helps these vulnerable widows to pay their rents and also to secure an apartment (Low cost) where they can stay temporarily to secure their lives, prevent sickness and physical abuse. This is one of the reason Duntai Foundation International is planning as part of their projects to erect a building structure “Home for the Widows” where the widows with their children can stay temporarily before re-allocating them into a permanent accommodation. With this, a reasonable number of helpless widows are be taken off the street and given the kind of comfort they need.

Provision of food stuffs for the widows, widowers, abandoned and the orphans

Duntai Foundation International distributes food items to both the widows and abandoned children knowing fully well that food is one of the most important need of life. This we do on a monthly basis by organising a monthly program for the widows where they are provided with food stuff to take home. Through this platform many widows could feed their children.

Youth Skills Acquisition and Empowerment Programme

As part of our core objectives at Duntai Foundation International, we empower the youth most importantly children of the Widows and Widowers who have lost their destiny helpers (Father or Mother) to the cold hand of death to acquire skills that will enable them to contribute and assist in meeting their family needs as well as preventing them from being a miscreant in the society at large.
We achieve this through placement process, that is, putting them in skill acquisition schools where they will learn how to either become a hairdresser, tailor, shoemaker, welder, make-up artist and so on. We provide the various equipment and tools needed to acquire the skills, pay the training fees, and support them financially towards their daily needs, to ensure they concentrate and complete their various skill acquisition programmes successfully. Consequently, this has enhanced their self-esteem, self-belonging and self-confidence towards helping their other siblings, their mother or father as well as giving back to the Foundation through the provision of training for others who also aspire to become what they have become through the help of Duntai Foundation International. This empowerment programme has helped to create job opportunities as well as raising more productive youth in the society.

End of the year party

This is an annual event celebrated at the end of the year by all Duntai international crews, beneficiaries and the less privileged. Testimonies are shared by the beneficiaries.

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